
Phumibot, noun; from Sanskrit Bhumiputra or

“son of the land.”

Project Phumibot is my own labor of love and dedicated to the protection, preservation, and promulgation of Khmer culture for current and future generations. Here, you will find information concerning Khmer history and Old Khmer (6th - 14th Century) and Middle Khmer (14th - 19th Century) linguistics in the form of translated inscriptions and other surviving media in a convenient location and in easily accessible formats.
This is merely the beginning of this project and I hope to expand it as more information becomes accessible.

I am just one person working at this but humbly extend an open invitation to anyone who shares the passion for cultural preservation and willing to contribute their time, effort, and energy to this project. If you would like to submit any photos, writings, or anything else that you believe would edify and enlighten our people, please feel free to contact me via Facebook or Instagram.
